Christ Consciousness
Cindy Aaker Cindy Aaker

Christ Consciousness

If “The Christ” is defined as the aspect of the Creator that can be in form (through incarnation), and our souls are beautiful God-Sparks created from the womb of “No-thing,” then every one of us is indeed the Christed-Self. Christ Consciousness is being aware that our higher soul-selves are part of a universal system of oneness. 

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Going Within to Explore Without
Cindy Aaker Cindy Aaker

Going Within to Explore Without

Science. What a gift we humans have been given in science. One only needs to look back in history across the centuries to really see how science has propelled us forward as a species.

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Limiting Beliefs, Fears, and Blockages
Cindy Aaker Cindy Aaker

Limiting Beliefs, Fears, and Blockages

You know how sometimes you get an adverse feeling when a certain subject is brought up, or a crippling fear takes over your body when you attempt, or even think about attempting a certain activity, yet there is no rational reason why that should be?

Well, that’s usually because of some kind of past-life experience, and can be of either a physical or emotional nature.

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The Archangels
Cindy Aaker Cindy Aaker

The Archangels

A common thread through every topic I have written about is energy.

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