What are you searching for?

Whether you are here because you know there is something “more” you are meant to be doing with your life and you need some enlightenment and guidance,

Or you need closure regarding the passing of a loved one,

Or you are just plain curious,

Cindy is here to support you.

Evolution Modalities

Lotus seated Balanced Rainbow Chakra image

Chakra Balancing and Cleansing

We are at our core, beings of brilliant, vibrating light incarnated into human form. Our life energy, or chi, flows through our physical bodies. Our bodies have energy “check-points”. These are points in our physical body that correspond to specific nerve bundles, tissues and organs that affect our physical and emotional well being. 
These check-points are called
Sometimes our chakras can become blocked or out of balance and our chi is not able to flow smoothly. This can cause emotional and or physical “dis-ease”.
Cindy is able to “scan” your chakras to see if /where you may be blocked or slowed and cleanse and balance them.

Heaven in the clouds

Communion with Passed Loved Ones

What do you wish to know about that friend or relative that has crossed over? What would you like to say to them? What do they wish to tell you? Sometimes closure is the thing that we need in order to move forward on our path.


Blurred Past lives moving around each other

Past Life Exploration and Healing

 Is something stopping you from taking that chance? Why do you have such strong reactions to certain situations or ideas?
If within a specific, past lifetime something really traumatic occurs, sometimes there can be residual ‘carry-over’ from that lifetime that manifests in our present-day subconscious. These can present irrationally as
limiting beliefs, fears and blockages and seem to exist without cause.
We can explore your
past lives and your Akashic Records to heal the trauma that has carried over into your current life.

Archangels Angel

Intuitive Guidance through Angelic Support

We have unlimited Divine support. Our Spirit Guides are just waiting to be asked for help. Our main guides or supporters are the Angels. Cindy has a very special relationship with the Archangels, and they give her divine guidance with regards to the best way to help a specific soul on their spiritual journey of evolution.

Meditation and Visualization

Visualization leads to Materialization. If you want something to happen, you need to envision it happening. Guided Meditation with a visualization component can go a long way to releasing that which does not serve and inviting in clarity and balance.

Law of Attraction and Quantum Energy

Where attention goes, energy flows.
Whatever you are putting out into the Universe is what you invite in. You are not a victim, you create your reality. Reprogram your way of viewing and interacting within this physical world. Learn to call in exactly what you want.

Discover why you may be struggling or what may be holding you back from living your most joyous life. 

Cindy will help you do this using the varying modalities described above.

Because Cindy doesn’t know which modalities will be best suited for a particular soul’s highest good until you meet, she doesn’t offer each modality with an individual price-tag. She offers all modalities that are aligned with each person’s vibration. Every session is personalized and Divinely guided and supported.



Book a free 20 Minute Discovery Call

Individual Sessions

Energetic Life Reading
(Initial Session) -75 mins

The first time you meet, this is the session available to you.
During the initial 75 minute session, using Quantum Energy, Cindy will “scan” the physical and spiritual aspects of your person. This will allow Cindy to determine why you may be having difficulty in moving forward on your path - whether it is physical, emotional or mental. The session will include Angelic support via the Akashic records and Quantum Energy to answer any questions you have, or to help with any struggles or stresses you are dealing with currently. 
This session can also include communion with a passed loved one. 
Past life exploration Angelic and Quantum Energy healings and cleansings will also be available to you.

$95 Single Session
$255 Package of Three
$888 Package of 10
-60 minute session

This 60 minute session is available to established clients, and includes Angelic support via the Akashic records and Quantum Energy. In this session, you will receive guidance for any questions you may have relating to any struggles or stresses you are currently dealing with. 
It can also include Communion with a Passed Loved One, and Past Life Exploration. Angelic and Quantum Energy healings and cleansings will also be available to you.

-Session package sharing is encouraged between established clients.

$66 Single Session
$188 Package of Three
-35 minute “mini” session

Sometimes you just need a quick check-in.
Maybe you have an important decision to make and you could use a little “Divine Insight”. A 35 minute session may be just what you need!
This mini-session can include Angelic support via the Akashic Records and Quantum Energy to answer any questions you have or to help you with any struggles or stresses you are dealing with in your life currently.  It may or may not include communion with a passed loved one. Healings and Past-life exploration may be available - time permitting.

-These sessions are available to established clients, and session package sharing is encouraged between established clients.

Group Sessions and Workshops




Sometimes we can “plateau” in our relationships. We can lose the “harmony” of our coexistence. Often times this is because our vibrational frequencies have lost compatibility with each other. The rate of soul evolution of one partner becomes out of sync with the other. We’re just “not on the same level.” Literally.
As a group, you will explore the reasons why this distance may be occurring, find healing and get you both back to vibrational unity.
This session will be 90 minutes.



Check our calendar for these amazing 1/2 day workshops.

  • Conscious Connection - Finding the Divine Guidance within You

  • Get to Know your Guides workshop.

  • Manifestation  workshop

  • Who I am, and Why I am Here  workshop

  • Connecting to the Past  workshop

  • Developing your intuition workshop

The workshops run 3-4 hours.
Contact us for workshop pricing.


Most of our sessions are remotely accessed.
In person sessions may be available to local (San Diego) clientele. Location TBD.
Individual remote sessions via phone call or video call.
Group sessions via conference call, or group video call.
Workshops via Zoom.

Book Now

Appointments are scheduled via Email.
Please include what service you are interested in and a preferred date and time.

Although it shouldn’t take that long, please allow one business day for Cindy to respond to your message.
Thank you!

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.