About Cindy

After decades of diverse education, spiritual exploration, and varying career paths, Cindy Aaker was opened up to a new reality.
It took a frightening past-life episode, but the Universe definitely got her attention.
She was ushered onto a new path which opened up her awareness and connection to Universal Intelligence. The magnitude of her transformation was something she had never expected, nor imagined possible, but she had always known there was something very impactful she was meant to be doing in her life.

“Once you open yourself up to allowing the Universe to guide you, the momentum becomes unstoppable!”

Using both conventional and spiritual modalities, Cindy is able to engage quantum energy to help her clients release old patterns and beliefs, and find new pathways to healing, success and happiness. She is able to teach others to tap into their own inner guidance so they can better navigate their own paths and live more fulfilling and joyous lives.

Now Cindy is living her purpose - helping other people to open up to their highest potential and to live their truths in alignment with their soul purpose.

Welcome to Soul-Speak!

Where is your journey taking you?

What Do You Want To Get Out Of This Lifetime?

Although we like to think we have all been created for the sole purpose of experiencing joy and fulfillment on our life’s journey, unfortunately life isn’t always a good time. Let’s be honest, life can be brutal, and it can take us to breaking points.
Another side of this human life experience is about working through and releasing our Karma, and learning specific lessons that helps us to “evolve our souls”. (You can read more on soul lessons in the Free Resources section: Reincarnation, Past Lives and Soul Lessons. )
Sometimes, in the process of learning these “lessons,” we get thrown way off our journey’s path. We end up indulging in unhealthy behaviours, and locked into repetitive cycles that don’t benefit us. Getting out of those repeated patterns and breaking those cycles is how we get back on track to a more fulfilling life.

Soul-Speak and Cindy are here to help!