Manifestation: Using your Emotions as your Earthly Guidance System

I’ve been talking a lot about how we truly are in complete control of how our lives are created and cultivated. Nothing is left up to chance, everything we receive we have actually asked for.  

I know that sounds nuts, no one “asks” for a brutal life, but the answer is in the asking. I will explain.

I’ve mentioned before that the universe does not recognize desires nor words, it deals only in vibration. Whatever you are desiring is usually sheathed within one of two energies: the energy of abundance or the energy of absence.  Most of the time when we desire a change in our lives it is because we are unhappy with our current situation. What we have, we don’t want, and that is the energy we are putting out to the Universe.  “I don’t want this.” 
Since the universe doesn’t recognize words, only vibration, it sends back the matching vibration of “I don’t want this.” You actually end up receiving what you were trying to be rid of. 

It is of extreme importance that you be in the energy of abundance while you send a request out into the universe, otherwise you are going to continue to attract the exact stuff you are trying to change!
It is also important to remember that ‘where attention goes, energy flows’.  Whatever you are focusing on, the universe is also paying attention to, and will respond accordingly.

Here’s an example:

You take the bus everywhere because you don’t have a car.  You can’t afford one. You have a job interview, that would boost your salary enough to allow you to buy yourself one!  
There’s a lot riding on this interview, and you’ve been stressing over it, and praying about it constantly. “Please let me get this job, I’m so broke and tired of working for peanuts. Everything is so hard for me.”
The day of the interview arrives, and it is of the utmost importance to get to the interview on time, “I can’t be late”.  Of course on this particular day, the buses are running late because it is raining. The bus shows up 25 minutes late and you arrive at your destination late as well. 

As you are waiting to be interviewed, (they had called your name earlier, but alas you were not present), you are uptight and frazzled and the thoughts in your head are fuming! “I need a car so badly!  if I had a better job like this one, I could buy one, and stuff like this wouldn’t happen!”
Although the people interviewing you are sympathetic to your plight, and you are perfectly qualified for the job, they see your tardiness as a red flag and don’t hire you. 
What happened?  You really wanted that job.  It was going to be life-changing for you. You are depressed.

Let me take you step by step through why that situation turned out as such.

Firstly, the energy that you were in while thinking and praying for the job was focused on the absence of your desire: “I’m so broke and tired of working for peanuts.  Everything is so hard for me.” What you meant was, “I want to make lots of money and to have my life be easier!” Even better would be praying in the present tense as though you already have the job!  “Thank you for giving me this job, my life is so much better and I am so happy!”
But the universe wasn’t ‘hearing’ that. It responded to the vibration of the absence of your desire, not the vibration of abundance that would come from the desire being fulfilled, you didn’t send that out. 

Secondly, you were stressing about the interview itself. You worried that you weren't going to be on time especially knowing how important it was to make a great first impression. Again, worry is a lower frequency emotion. It sends a low vibration out to the universe. Desire fulfilled. The universe received and reciprocated the vibration of “being late”.

Finally, while you were sitting there in the waiting room, stressing about being late and how ‘not having a car’ was the whole reason the day was going down the tubes, the universe answered that too. No job = no car.

So you see. How we present our desires to the universe is almost more important than the desires themselves.
The good news is, we actually have a built in guidance system to keep us on track to manifesting our true desires.  Our Emotions.

Here’s how our emotions guide us with regards to manifesting:

When you really want something and feel pleasure from the thought, your vibration is in alignment with your desire. You are allowing, and that is where you are able to manifest.
When you really want something and are feeling anger, jealousy, disappointment or fear from the thought, that means you are focused upon the opposite or absence of your desire, and in doing so your vibration is not in alignment with your desire. The degree of negative emotion that you are now experiencing indicates the degree of your resistance to your receiving of your desire.

 Once you know that you are feeling really good in your desire, here is a simple trick for manifesting it: 

 Envision a diamond shape’s four points - up, right, down and left.  As you follow a path through the shape to each point, envision each point this way: 
The top point represents truth, where you are currently anchored. It is your present moment - who you are, where you are, and when you are. 
Then the line going down, and to the right, stops at another point. This point represents thought.  This is what you desire to manifest. You need to describe your desire in the present tense as though you already have it. It’s not  “I want”, it’s “I have”.  
Going down from there to the bottom point we have sensation. How does it feel to already have what you truly desire? Really lean into that feeling, and explore all sensation related to it. This is super important.
Finally, at the left point we have surrender. Just let it go with gratitude. Thank the Universe, and trust, trust, trust that the Universe is bringing your desire to you. The more you worry about not having your desire or question when it’s going to arrive, the more of that lower vibrational energy you send out, and the longer it will take to manifest, if ever.

 The Universe is actually designed to give you exactly what you desire. You have come to Earth to create the most amazing, wonderful life and to experience all of the beauty and glory that being on Earth has to offer.  You can make your life anything you desire it to be.  Source Energy, God, Creator Of All That Is, does not want people to struggle. Quite the opposite. We are meant to be creative, joyous  and fulfilled.  

When we agree to incarnate on this planet, we don’t go into it thinking, “Okay, this is going to suck…”  
Now, we may agree to learn specific lessons for our souls’ evolution, but we are not expecting to struggle so much or for life to be so difficult.  We have forgotten how to
use our emotions rather than just experience them. They were created as the most useful tool we have.  We inherently know when something feels good or bad, so... 

“Follow Your Bliss!”


Limiting Beliefs, Fears, and Blockages


The Akashic Records