Christ Consciousness

If “The Christ” is defined as the aspect of the Creator that can be in form (through incarnation), and our souls are beautiful God-Sparks created from the womb of “No-thing,” then every one of us is indeed the Christed-Self. Christ Consciousness is being aware that our higher soul-selves are part of a universal system of oneness. 

We are here on Earth as souls to have a human experience for growth and evolutionary purposes both individually and collectively. Our physical bodies are the vehicles that allow for this to be so, and we are so much more powerful in our human form than we are allowed to believe. Centuries of conditioning, control, suppression, and oppression has seen to that.

Yeshua, aka Jesus, incarnated as a human being on Earth to show us and teach us that we are in control of, and create our own lives. He demonstrated through his teachings, guidance and compassion that we are all capable of doing miraculous things. He never asked to be worshiped, he was hoping to be emulated. His life and death were hijacked for self-serving purposes resulting in millions of people over centuries being terrorized and murdered in his name, and the mind-boggling accumulation of power, wealth, historical documents and artifacts by the Vatican, other religious institutions and governing bodies.

The time is now. Humanity is shifting consciousness. The vibrational frequency is rising. The old ways are being questioned and conflict is arising because of this.  There are those who wish to keep things the same. They know that if we all knew how powerful we actually are, they would lose their stranglehold on humanity’s governmental and societal systems and they would perish. 

For those who are waiting for the second coming of Christ, it is upon us, but it is not what you think. The world has gotten too large and too cynical for one human to carry the lone honour of being “The Christ”. The second coming is a movement of hundreds of thousands, nay millions of awakened souls being guided together, not by outside forces, but by going inward.  Connecting to their higher-selves, finding the peace, love and compassion that is ingrained within every one of us, connecting us to each other, the earth and the cosmos. We are one. This is the true teaching of The Christ.  We are one in life, in light and in love. 

We are heart-warriors, and we do battle by bringing light and joy into the world. Yes there are horrific things happening in the world.  This has been the way for eons, we are just able to witness it first-hand now via technology. We the people do not want these horrors, we don’t “vote” on whether we go to war and kill people or not. We are left out of these decision-making processes purposefully. The more light and love we can bring into our world, the more there will be a ripple effect. Turn off the propaganda being sold to us as “news,” pitting us against one another.  A united front is exactly what they don’t want.  It’s so much easier to keep control when a body is fractured. Find joy wherever you can. Laugh with a friend, play with a puppy. Your being happy does not take away from the compassion that can still be expressed for those innocents sacrificing their lifetime here for the chance for collective evolution. We do no good for anyone if we are only sending out the energy of anger, division and conflict. We reap what we sow. Cultivate love. Cultivate Oneness. Cultivate Unity. This is the Way, and so it is.


Going Within to Explore Without