The Archangels

A common thread through every topic I have written about is energy.

Divine energy, source energy, light energy, vibrational energy, energy of allowance, energy of resistance, energy of abundance. Energy.  
That is what the universe(s) is made of. That is what we are, that is what God is, and that is what our guides are.  

Some of our main guides or supporters are the Angels. They too are made of pure beautiful divine energy.  They are energetic light-beings very similar to our very own souls that happen to vibrate on a more evolved or higher frequency. Higher than our own soul frequencies. 

“Angel” is their station, not their “species”.  

There are many different types of Angels that do different work for the Divine.  They, unlike humans, do not have free will. They work solely for the divine purpose.  

There are some Angels whose purpose it is to work closely with humans. These angels’ role is to help incarnated souls on Earth evolve by supporting them in fulfilling their soul lessons, creating the most joyous versions of their lives and helping humans to make life choices that are in alignment with their highest good, and the highest good of everyone connected to them.  

You can think of them as warriors of light that are connected to both the Divine as well as Earth and Humans. 
The Archangels are the “Leaders” of the Angels and light-beings that are working as our guides . 

There are quite a few of them, however only some are very well-known. They are in constant connection with Source Energy (God), to each other, other light-beings with compatible vibrational frequencies, and to our own higher selves. 

The Archangels have specific “areas of expertise” that they use to help human souls evolve. They know when we need support immediately. They often give us “nudges” or inspiration, but they also respect our free-will and therefore will usually only help when help is requested. 

When we pray to God or Creator of All That Is, the angels as well as other light-beings are the ones that God sends to help answer those prayers. 
We all have at least one Archangel as a personal guide we are connected to, as well as other light-beings such as: Angels (of a lower vibration from the Archangels), Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones. 
(I go into more detail about these light-beings on another page titled “The Akashic Records'') 
However, we aren’t limited to connection to only one Archangel.

We are in truth supported by all of the Archangels during our Earthly incarnation! Each of us truly has an arsenal of spiritual support!!
There is an Archangel you can call on for support for every possible scenario you can imagine.  You don’t even need to know their names, just ask for Angelic support with regards to whatever you may be struggling with and the best-suited Angel for the job will show up! 

If you do want to get to know the Angels however, all the better.  They want to have a relationship with you. 

I will introduce the more commonly known Archangels and their areas of expertise, so if you find you do want to call on them, you can get to know them more personally by energy and name.

Archangel Michael : Protection and Safety. AA Michael has a very powerful energy. He helps connect you to your inner strength and courage and reassures you that you are on the right path.

Archangel Raphael : Healing. AA Raphael is known as the “Doctor”.  He has a very lighthearted and gentle yet powerful energy. He helps you heal through your heart chakra and opens you up to abundance.  

Archangel Uriel : Trust and Intuition.  AA Uriel’s energy can present as either masculine or feminine. He/she connects us to our authentic selves, and helps us to understand the divine messages that we receive with clarity. He/she helps us to stay motivated.

Archangel Gabriel : Communication.  AA Gabriel can also present as masculine or feminine.  He/she works with the throat chakra to help you speak your truth. He/she also helps us to understand what our truth is. He/she is quite the word-smith!

Archangel Metatron: Releasing limiting beliefs.  AA Metatron has a very masculine, powerful energy.  He helps us to break habits and cycles that don’t serve us.  He uses a powerful, sacred geometric cube to transmute negative energy into light and love. AA Metatron is one of only two Archangels ever to have incarnated as human before being asked by God to serve the Divine as an Archangel.

Archangel Sandalphon : Wisdom, Knowledge, Teaching.  AA Sandalphon wears many hats. He has a very masculine  energy that is very lighthearted and friendly.  He is thought to be the tallest of the Archangels. He relates to humans very well because he is the other Archangel who had been previously incarnated on Earth. He and AA Metatron are considered “brothers”. He can be thought of as the “Teacher”. He inspires artistic creativity, especially with music and helps us to move past our limitations and to understand our soul lessons. 

Archangel Zadkiel : Focus.  AA Zadkiel helps us to open up to our spiritual paths and to stay connected and focused. He helps us to relax and focus on our next steps by bringing a calming and peaceful energy if we start feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.

Archangel Jophiel : Self-confidence. AA Jophiel has a strong feminine and nurturing energy.  She helps us with self-care, acceptance and support of ourselves.  She helps us in recognizing our innate worthiness and power.  AA Jophiel is known to use flower energy in her support of us.  Flower energy works similarly to essential oils.

Archangel Raziel : Spiritual awakening.  AA Raziel helps us in connection to our own divine wisdom and the connection to the Universe. He helps us to see the true nature of our spiritual path through a higher perspective so we are able to interpret it correctly.  He helps explain the ‘hows’ and the ‘whys’ of  our experiences.  He will also bring an energy of raised awareness to those who wish to teach their wisdom to others.

Archangel Chamuel : Decision-Making and Creativity.  AA Chamuel is another very light-hearted jovial energy.  He helps us to make decisions and when decisions are difficult, he helps us to be creative in our reasoning.  He helps us to learn our lessons behind our choices, and helps us to choose the path to our highest good.  There are no wrong choices!  AA Chamuel and the Universe always make sure to course-correct you!!

Archangel Ariel : Manifestation and Abundance. AA Ariel supports us with a very soothing, relaxing and grounding energy. Her energy is connected to Gaia, or Mother Earth. She keeps us grounded to the Earth and connected to it through animals and plants. In order for us to be able to manifest our desires and be open to receiving abundance, we need to be grounded. 

Archangel Haniel : Inner Healing.  AA Haniel brings a very peaceful energy of comfort and support to us so we can do the difficult work of inner healing.  She helps us to embrace all aspects of ourselves, the good, the bad and the ugly.  She helps us to acknowledge our darker parts and then to release them to the Universe to be transformed into love and light.

Archangel Raguel : Uncertainty. AA Raguel presents in a very gentle and subtle energy. He helps us to release uncertainty and embrace confidence within ourselves by strengthening a strong connection to self. He helps us to align to the energy of peace, love and joy.  If we are feeling lost or disconnected from self, he will be there to help.

Archangel Azrael : Transitioning. AA Azrael is a very quiet and gentle light-being who is with us during the end of our soul’s journey when our soul is transitioning out of our human body. He brings comfort to those transitioning but also to those who are suffering the loss of a loved one.  He has a very gentle and soothing energy.

There is one more light-being I like to include in this group. Although she is not an Archangel, she is a very special Angel, and works very closely with the Archangels and humans.

Angel Celeste : Angel Celeste is rad!  She has such a vibrant, outgoing and friendly energy.  She often holds space for the Archangels to work their guidance.  She strengthens the connection between humans and the Archangels. She is so excited to do whatever is required of her at a moment's notice.  She helps us to integrate the healing and lessons that we experience on our journey so we can fully step into our purpose. She is very active in the evolution of our souls. 

So now you know a little about a few of the better known Archangels.  They are always around us and always available and willing to help us.  That is their Divine purpose.  
They are here for us. Get to know them, call on them, they want to help you to create your best, most fulfilling life! 

All you have to do is ask!



What the Heck is my Authentic Self Anyway?


Reincarnation, Past Lives and Soul Lessons