The Akashic Records

I have quite a fondness for the Akashic Records. It is where I was first introduced to my gifts as a healer.

Actually, I have always had my ‘gifts’. I just had not fully connected or tapped into them.  Even as a young child I knew I had some level of ‘psychic ability’. Ugh, to be honest I find the term ‘psychic ability’ kind of cringy. Let’s call it ‘Enhanced Intuition’.  Much better.
I’m sure many of you reading this right now also have discovered or even may have always known that you too, have an enhanced intuition.  We all do, unfortunately most of us are just not paying attention to it.

As a child, I would, more often than not, know who was on the other end of a phone call before answering it. This of course was during the ancient days of rotary phones and no caller ID. Kind of a bigger deal then I’ll admit. I would also often say the exact thing that my friends or family were thinking right before they said it.  Like I was receiving their thoughts directly into my brain. 
Many of you most definitely have similar stories!

Okay, enough backstory, back to the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records is a place in the spiritual realm where each soul’s every thought, action and event that has occurred, is occurring currently or will occur in the future, is recorded.  Each soul has its own record of existence. That means multiple lifetimes. Older souls can have thousands of lifetimes recorded, while newly incepted souls may only have a few. 
(If you are new to the idea of reincarnation, it can be kind of a freaky concept.  I have another blog post where I go into much deeper content regarding reincarnation titled: “
Reincarnation, Past lives, and Soul Lessons”.)

Wait, how can there be a record showing what is going to happen in the future, you ask? Great question!  

Time does not move linearly in the spiritual dimensions. That is totally an Earth thing.  I know this probably sounds super Sci-Fi, but it really is true. We as a species know very little about the Universe.  There is some crazy stuff that most of our 3-D unevolved human brains just cannot conceptualize. We will though.

You can think of the Akashic Records as a giant library, where the stories of each of your lives has been recorded in a book and placed on a shelf for future (or past, as the case very well may be) reference. I, and many, many others have discovered how to access these records.  I am not only able to go into my own records, but I can also travel into other people’s records, if they allow me permission. 

Why would you want to access the records in the first place?  Another excellent question.

Some people are interested in finding out about their past lives just for fun, simple curiosity. Others can benefit from learning about their past lives if they ever find themselves  experiencing uncomfortable and/or debilitating situations that appear to be completely irrational or without cause. Irrational fears or some other limiting belief preventing forward momentum, can sometimes be attributed to residual effects from past lives that have carried over into our current ones.  Any kind of trauma, emotional or physical that may have occurred in a past life can affect our lives in the here and now.  Exploring past lives in the records may help explain where these debilitating issues are coming from and subsequently enable the healing process to occur. You can look at it as ‘soul therapy’ if you like.

The Akashic Records are kept in pristine condition.  There are different Lightbeings whose ‘jobs’ it is to maintain the integrity of the Records. These guardians of the Records are referred to as ‘The Lords of the Records’. 
As well, each soul has its own ‘team’ of Lightbeings that takes care of their records and passes information to and from the records. They also ‘work’ as that particular soul’s spirit guides while that soul is incarnated on Earth. 
These guides are often known as but not limited to: Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones. 

Masters are the Lightbeings who have been with a particular soul since its inception. They usually have not incarnated on Earth at any point during their existence, or if they have they are now ‘Ascended Masters’ and no longer reincarnate.

Teachers are paired with souls during specific lifetimes to help them to learn a specific lesson, so the soul can evolve. (I again go into more detail about these ‘lessons’ in: “Reincarnation, Past lives, and Soul Lessons”) They usually have been previously incarnated souls on Earth, and they may or may not choose to reincarnate again.

Loved Ones are Lightbeings whom the soul has had at least one incarnation with on Earth, usually a family member. These ‘Loved Ones’ may have lived on Earth alongside the soul and then passed on during this lifetime,  or they may be a Loved One from a previous lifetime.

Any and all information passing through the Records to healers like myself, goes through the Lords of the Records.  They decide what information should be made available to the seeker. 
The Lords of the Records pass it to the guides, and the guides pass it to me. I then am able to share it with whomever has asked me to enter their records.  It’s kind of like an inter-dimensional game of telephone!

There is so much healing and knowledge to be gained by exploring your Akashic Records.  Your guides are there waiting to help you discover the hidden truth of who you really are, and what you are meant to be doing during your time on Earth. 
Loved ones may have messages of love and comfort for you. 
Teachers may have advice about a lesson you are meant to learn. 
Masters may wish to explain away your fears. 

This knowledge is available to all of you, and each one of you has the ability to access it! 


Manifestation: Using your Emotions as your Earthly Guidance System


Source Energy and Your Chakras