Going Within to Explore Without

Science. What a gift we humans have been given in science. One only needs to look back in history across the centuries to really see how science has propelled us forward as a species. In the last 70 years in particular, our science has progressed exponentially. 

How would such modern day marvels appear to our very same species 200 years ago? 
Most likely, they would appear as magic, and probably as “dark” magic to be feared and destroyed along with the proprietors and practitioners of such magic. 
History has shown us that that is our human “knee-jerk” response to witnessing the inexplicable. We as a species, to our own detriment, tend to fear and try to remove things from existence that cannot be readily explained. It is our nature (so we believe) to discount them completely and pretend like they never existed in the first place. Humans prefer things to be categorized and logical, we enjoy order. We don’t do well with the random and unpredictable, it’s uncomfortable and makes us feel uneasy and out of control. 
Science, after all, cannot possibly be considered science, if it is not predictable and proven. 

How limited and archaic our contemplation and reasoning must have been 200 years ago, we postulate. So closed-minded and fearful, so afraid to look at things from different (higher) perspectives to try to puzzle out the “hows” and “whys”.
So what happens today when we come across a strange phenomenon that our “modern day” science cannot explain? We do the exact same thing our forefathers did. Discount it, debunk it and pretend it does not exist. Unless of course there may be some way to use this phenomenon to our advantage, perhaps monetarily and/or militarily. Any other reason would not be worthy of the time nor money required for an investigation.

To be fair, there are many “scientists” who are genuinely motivated to “puzzle things out” simply because it is in their nature to do so.  They receive joy and satisfaction from the challenge, and are driven to search for the truth regardless of how unconventional and unorthodox it may seem. These individuals are the truth seekers and the ones who will aid in the evolution of this Earth. Unfortunately, these are not the thought-leaders and the government officials who decide whether something is worthy (monetarily) of investigation. 

To combat this, it seems the scientific community is moving away from the public sector (government) and moving more and more into the private sector. Individuals now have enough money to create their own companies, run their own experiments within their own laboratories to solve these mysteries. Look at Elon Musk for example. He is a very progressive thinker, although perhaps a teeny bit narcissistic and mislead, and he has the money now to pretty much do whatever he likes. This seems to be the way of the world (for the moment) - pay to play. He has perfected (almost, kinda) the modern day electric vehicle, and changed the landscape of transportation for the globe. He has created his own space program for goodness sake, and he is doing it better than the government. 
Although he is a very forward thinker, until our science itself evolves, he will not accomplish his goal of interplanetary space travel. 
Here’s why:
Our “modern” science is 3-dimensional, currently limited by our 3-dimensional brains. Humans live in a 3-dimensional existence. Yet we ourselves are not wholly 3-dimensional beings. More on this later. 
If we want to expand our science, we need to expand our existence (and vice versa). 
The type of interplanetary space travel Elon Musk and others before him have been dreaming about will not be achieved using our conventional 3-D science. Fossil fuel-burning rockets, reusable or otherwise, are exceptionally inefficient, and can only propel us so far, not to mention they are horrible for Mother Earth. 

Take a moment to expand your mind and consider the extremely well documented UFO sightings that have been globally reported for the past 70 years.  They actually go back much further than that, but we’ll just concentrate on the last century or so. Despite the US Government's incredibly well-orchestrated campaign to debunk and disparage any and all reported UFO-related incidents domestic and foreign, over the past 70 years, these global UFO sightings are indeed real, and have been commonplace for decades in South American countries. They are only now finally being acknowledged (publicly) by the United States government. 
Every account reiterates how these craft have been soundless, are faster than anything anyone has ever seen before and their exceptionally sensitive directional maneuverability allows for instantaneous stops, starts and radical and sporadic turns. Most noticeably, they do not burn fossil fuels. 
Clearly these craft are not of this world. 
Their silent propulsion capabilities were developed using a different type of science, a science that goes beyond our three dimensions. It is an ancient science that has been practiced on Earth before. It is the science of the pyramids that was washed away and forgotten (by humans) thousands of years ago. 
This science cannot be found in textbooks nor Ivy League laboratories. It is intertwined with the higher dimensions, and cannot be accessed solely by our 3-dimensional minds. We will be able to connect to it however through openness and connection to spirit. 

I know how that sounds. Science and Spirituality do not go together.  This has been a misnomer for centuries, and until we realize spirituality is the basis for all science, our “modern day science” will remain archaic and unevolved. 
So what are these other dimensions, and how do we connect to them? Through the quantum field.

The quantum field is like the super-highway through which all information and energy flows. It connects everything to everything. It is what connects us to our intuition, our mental body, emotional body and physical body. It is what connects us to nature and each other. It is within us and all around us and is not contained by space nor time. Kinda like “The Force” actually.

I am not a scientist, I am a spiritual intuitive, however, I do know that time is considered the 4th dimension.  I also know time plays a part in the evolution of science with regards to how we will evolve our space travel. Slight shifts of time occur between subatomic particles when they are subjected to different forces under certain conditions, specifically gravity. This is called Gravitational Time Dilation. The stronger the gravitational pull, the slower time moves. 

When we burn fossil fuels as a way to engage propulsion, and launch rockets, we are not working with the energy of the Earth, we are battling against it. When it comes to leaving Earth’s atmosphere, gravity seems to be the thing that hinders our propulsion. Or more precisely gravity acting on the mass of the rocket hinders our propulsion. Imagine if  we could remove the mass from the equation. Suddenly the entire system changes, and gravity is no longer an issue. 

Scientists have been trying to figure out how to create “anti-gravity” chambers for a very long time.  What if they approached this idea from the other side? 
Instead of ant-gravity, they try to create “mass-less” objects.
If an object has zero mass, gravity cannot act upon it. Let’s take that one step further, what if they could create negative mass objects? Suddenly they would have repulsion. 
How do objects have mass? Density. If we could alter the density of an object without losing integrity, we could possibly achieve zero or perhaps even negative mass.
Manipulation of the subatomic particles - particularly electrons - within atoms is the key to our new science. There are multiple ways of looking at this: Firstly, scientists say that 99.9% of our atoms are just empty space. - Not necessarily true, it’s actually quantum energy, which on its own appears as empty space. It needs something to come into its field to be expressed. - If we were able to somehow remove that “space”, suddenly everything becomes exponentially smaller in scale. Much easier for manipulation and experimentation.
Secondly, atoms are polarized magnetically by the spinning of their electrons around the nucleus. If the electrons spinning in one direction results in density and mass, what would happen when we reverse polarity by having the electrons spin in the other direction?

Working with the magnetic field of our Earth, its polarity and gravity rather than against it is how we change our technology. 

Connection to Source or is the through-line between spirituality, science and technology. We are all connected to Source and to each other through the quantum field. How is this possible? Because we are all at our core Source Energy ourselves. 
What is Source Energy?
It is from where all energy first existed. Creator Of All That Is. Universal Intelligence.

Let me explain how this is true. 
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed, that is The Conservation of Energy - an absolute law of physics. Even our skeptical scientists can agree on that. So again, when we go microscopic, and look at matter, what do we see? We find cells, and when we look deeper into those cells we find molecules. When we look deeper into those molecules we find those wonderful mini orbiting systems of protons, neutrons and electrons. And again, what is in between those subatomic particles that maintains the integrity of the atomic structure? Energy. 

So where did this energy come from? We did not create it, that is physically impossible.
So from where did it originate? It must have always been.  
Congruently, when we die, our energy leaves our body. We know it doesn’t get destroyed, physics has proven that. So where does it go, and what form does it change into? It goes back into the Universe through higher dimensions that cannot be reached in our human physical form. This is Source Energy, It is what the Universe and our individual souls and consciousness is made of, and it connects everything through the quantum field. We can’t see it with our 3-dimensional eyes, yet we know it must exist, the laws of Physics specifies that. 

Let’s take that one step further.
Like our bodies, our planet is also alive and because of this fact its atoms must also be made of Source Energy much like our own. So, if humans, the Universe and Earth are all made from Source Energy and source energy is expressed via the quantum field, then by the transitive property, we must be connected to each other through our connection to Source Energy. This connection is where we will find the answers that will change how we travel the cosmos using Universal magnetic fields. 
For this to happen, scientists need to start considering working side by side with spiritually connected people to truly evolve the science. This is all by design.  
Science and Spirituality are meant to work together hand in hand, not against each other. We just need some progressive thinkers to step out of their comfort zone and start looking at this from a different (higher) perspective. 
We are on the precipice of evolutionary science that will alter this beautiful blue sphere and its purpose in the Universe forever.
It truly is an exciting time to be alive!


Christ Consciousness


Limiting Beliefs, Fears, and Blockages