Conscious Connection - Finding Universal Guidance Within You

Created By: Cindy Aaker

Course Description: The Conscious Connection course empowers you to open up your innate ability to actively connect to your inner guidance and Universal Intelligence through Quantum Energy. Using a powerful, channeled connection process, you will experience the profound impact of what it means to co-create your life with the Universe aligning to your soul’s true purpose. This course guides you in recognizing your emotional well-being, raising your frequency for meaningful connections, embracing positivity and receiving Universal Guidance to live a more fulfilling, and joyful life.

Course Curriculum:

Module 1: Everything is Energy

1.1: Introduction to Energy

1.2: Vibrational Frequencies

1.3: Complimentary Frequencies

1.4: Raising our Frequency

1.5: Sending and Receiving Energy

Module 2: Co-Creating with the Universe

2.1: We’re not in this Alone

2.2: Law of Attraction and our Emotional Scale

2.3: Manifesting 

2.4: Allowing the Help to Arrive

2.5: Integrating Change

3.3: Somatic Responses and Physical Signals

3.1: Embracing the Flow

3.2: Connecting through our "Clairs"

3.3: Somatic Responses and Physical Signals

*At the end of each module there is a list of exercises to practice and accompanying resources to help complete them. 

**Also Included in this course are live teachings with Cindy Aaker either in person or via video-call, where we will experience multiple Mind-Body Experiences. These will include but not be limited to:

  • Yoga Poses -  to open up energy flow through the body

  • Pranayama Practice - to calm the monkey mind

  • Guided Chakra Meditation - for centering and grounding

  • The Conscious Connection Process - to open us up to actively connecting to Universal  Intelligence via Quantum Energy and immediately start receiving messages

  • Q & A forum involving personalized action plans

Workshop format is one 2-4 hour session (depending on class-size and sharing) as an in-person group activity with follow-up communications. 

One-on-one Individual format will be 3 personalized sessions (about 1-1.5 hours each) either in person or via video call with follow-up communications.