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Awaken your inner voice and discover who you really are.

Aligning to your soul-purpose is the key to fulfillment and true happiness.

Life doesn’t just happen. We create it.

Meet Cindy

Cindy Aaker is an Energy Healer, Channeler, and Way-Shower. As a Spiritual Intuitive, she is able to mentor in a very specific and personalized way. By “tuning into” a client’s specific needs, she is able to work with them on many different levels within all aspects of their lives. Using various spiritual and conventional modalities, she is able to identify underlying issues that may be creating a barrier to success and to help her clients grow and evolve into the highest potential version of themselves. Cindy has also been given a specific connection process which enables others to tap into their own inner guidance and move forward on their journey in alignment with their soul-purpose.

Evolution Modalities

Chakra Balancing and Cleansing

Past Life Exploration and Healing with the Akashic Records

Communion with Passed Loved Ones

Intuitive Soul Guidance and Healing through Angelic Support and Quantum Energy


What People Are Saying

“I literally felt like I was floating on a blissful, energetic high for days after my session with Cindy. I feel so much more connected to myself now and to my spiritual journey. I have found comfort in knowing I am being guided and that I’m never alone on my journey.” - Rikki B. Soul-Speak Client

“Cindy’s workshop opened up tremendous possibilities for me spiritually with an easy-to-follow path to connection. It’s powerful. I went in with the mindset that tapping into a universal power was only available to those select few. Cindy is able to guide you with methods that are simple, yet profoundly effective. Moreover, her workshop is supportive, loving and built around the common principles of community. “
- Peyton R. Soul-Speak Client

“I found Cindy when I needed some healing from a past life, and that’s exactly what she did! It was sooo incredible! The healing really allowed me to release what was holding me back and I was then able to reach my potential. Thank you.”
- Demi R. Soul-Speak Client

“I’m not what you consider a woo-woo type of person, but I do consider myself open-minded. Cindy's workshop was incredible. Her authenticity, kindness, and clear connection to what so many of us cannot see is inspiring. I'm so honored to have participated in such an important experience and I'm excited for more! “
- Rachel M. Soul-Speak Client

“Wow! This was the first time I had ever ‘seen’ something with my eyes closed. The moment it happened the tears just flowed. What I felt was pure love and with it …pure relief…like I had finally returned home after being away for so long.”
- Lori L. Soul-Speak Client

“After Cindy’s class, I felt a profound sense of peace and a heightened spiritual awareness. The teachings and practices will continue to resonate in my daily life, allowing me to navigate challenges with a greater sense of mindfulness and centeredness. Cindy was knowledgeable, kind and supportive in beautiful, zen-like surroundings. I’d highly recommend this class to anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual connection or find clarity in their life’s purpose.”

- Missy D. Soul-Speak Client

Free Resources


Source Energy and Your Chakras

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What the Heck is My Authentic Self Anyway?

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Reincarnation, Past Lives and Soul Lessons

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The Archangels

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  • Library representing past lives

    The Akashic Records

  • Woman with heart hands

    Manifestation: Using your Emotions as your Earthly Guidance System

  • Boy hiding from his fears

    Limiting Beliefs, Fears and Blockages

  • Space Galaxy in the Universe

    Going Within to Explore Without